Bunker Project Log

30 Mar

Why we keep losing at Pandemic:

Friday night, I went through a “medium” (five Epidemic card) game of Pandemic with Mrs. G and The Wall. Throughout the course of the game, we discovered that the St. Petersburg card popped up twice, which, if you know how the game works, is impossible.

I had heard at Boardgamegeek that there were possibilities of missing cards, but I figured it couldn’t happen to me. Upon further inspection, here’s what I found:

(And yes, my pictures are getting horribler. I blame the camera.)


As you can see, I have two St. Petersburgs, and no San Francisco. With the addition of some very stylish markerwork, order is restored.

This is not so easy with the completely missing player cards for Baghdad and Algiers! I can’t remember how many times I prognosticated that “we haven’t seen very many black cards yet, so we should be getting a bunch soon!” I can however, remember losing several times as the black disease rampaged all over the place.

So there you have it. We are not morons, we probably would have won every Pandemic game ever, had it not been for the lack of these cards.

(Except this brilliant masterpiece from Wednesday… which we lost to the red bug, even after eradicating yellow and black. D’oh! Look how close we were!)?


(Oh yeah… I blame VitaminZ, aka “Don’t Cure Manilla” for that one.)

One Response to “Why we keep losing at Pandemic:”

  1. 1
    VitaminZ Says:

    Yea, I was an idiot on that one. Oh well, makes sense to blame the newb for newbish advice

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