Bunker Project Log

03 Aug

Bunker MAME cleanup

As I mentioned in Episode I of the Bunker MAME project, there was some serious stickyage going on with?Player?1’s button set.?I felt that before I could continue on?with the project, this had to be rectified.

?Luckily, my 3 year old ensures an adequate supply of?disposable plastic cups, so?I loaded?one up with buttons.

Soakin da buttons

Then I filled it with rubbing alcohol, taped on a second matching cup and made like a Martini and shook. (This is practically an ad for Olive Garden Kid’s Meals.)

Sealed cup 'o' buttons

Then for good measure, I let them float around in some regular old dish soap while I moved on to the switches. I hacked another cup and made an okey-doke in-place bathing station to dip these guys in. I have no idea if there is anything in there that will be eaten by rubbing alcohol, but anything is better than sticky switches.

Soakin da switches

Here’s a close up of the little guys taking a bath. I couldn’t get a shot that was both focused and well-lit, so you get the semi-focused too bright one.

Soakin da switches

In the end, everything thing came out clicky. I had a few degenerate gamblers over tonight, and after their poker game, they deigned to play a few games. According to them, it is arcade quality. Huzzah!

Now, I’m moving on to getting Maximus Arcade?working on the actual CPU. For whatever reason, I’m getting the error : “The following emulators have invalid media locations: MAME”. Pile that on top of the fact that the SB Live! card on-board flaked out, and I can’t save bios settings without resulting in a frozen box. I tell you, Nothing is ever easy.

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