02 Nov
I’ve been slacking off. Thanks to The Orange Box
, I’ve been Portaling, Episode 2’ing, and listening to “Still Alive” over and over again (and having a hard time sleeping because of it.)
Anyway, since I had something more important to do, I decided it would be a great time to make some progress on Cobalt Flux Wii!
First, I decided to just cheap out and scratch that conductive shizzle off and lay those traces bare.

That is as simple as scraping them with a utility knife blade.
Next, I whipped out a green scrubby and made it all shiny like.
Posted in Cobalt Flux Wii, Project by: Gangrene
23 Oct
Well, I failed at convincing Mrs. G to buy me Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party for The Wii, but I did the next best thing… I bought it myself for only 40 bones! (Special thanks to Stub for finding it at Outpost.com!)
Anyway, all I really needed was some information. Most importantly… what kind of connector does the bundled pad have?! In the pictures, it looks like it is wireless… If so, I would be screwed. I was very concerned about tearing apart a semi-technologically advanced piece of gear, especially since it is likely that I will screw it up.
Posted in Cobalt Flux Wii, Project by: Gangrene
22 Oct
I’ve been in this house for 3 years now, and this is the first time the basement has been whole. By whole, I mean… organized, not totally junkified, put together.
So, I am sort of chilling out and enjoying it. I hadn’t realized how much the mess had been bugging me.
Here are the pics for those that care. I’m going to need some decorations for the Analog room, so feel free to suggest something cool. There will be a new addition in there if all goes through as planned. Watch for it at the next Bunker Party, which should be this Friday!
Posted in Cleaning Up, Project by: Gangrene
17 Oct
I’m certain that I have some kind of obsessive compulsive disorder, but I’m not sure what form. I generally don’t mind a mess until it reaches a certain point (a point probably further than most humans can tolerate) but then, BAM! I have to have it fixed, or I go absolutely berzerk, and I can’t think of anything else until it is done. That is where I am right now.
Luckily I am succeeding.

The Workbench will be a major component of tomorrow’s work

And the Analog room is still screwed, but I can see more floor!
Posted in Cleaning Up, Project by: Gangrene
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16 Oct
A week ago, I had to help my buddy Jjam out with some network issues he had. This amounted to telling him to just a buy a new router, and that led to him needing a 15-foot network cable.
The thing is, I have been seriously slamming crap into the Bunker Workshop/Storage room. I mean, I just threw everything that I needed to get out of the way in there. By the time I was digging around for the network cable, there was stuff piled to the ceiling. We were literally climbing up and digging down through piles of crap to find a box full of cable that I knew was there. In the end, I couldn’t find it.
Posted in Cleaning Up, Project by: Gangrene
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03 Oct

I have infected two “non-gamers” with?Catan?this week. I am starting everyone with a tutorial game of the Settlers of Catan Card Game, which you can read about here.
My hope is that, by the next Bunker Party, there will be an army of Catan addicts. From there… Puerto Rico… and then… Twilight Imperium, my new Holy Grail!
Posted in Analoggin It, Project by: Gangrene
1 Comment
01 Oct
Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party
?came out on Wednesday, but?I am on credit card probation.
I keep trying to convince Mrs. G that she really needs to buy it for me, for the good of all Cobalt Flux owners everywhere, because I will figure out what it takes to mod this bad boy!
So, if you are a proud owner of a Cobalt Flux, and a Wii, and are waiting to take the plunge, leave a comment and tell Mrs. G that she needs to put down the 70 bones so I can show you the light!
Posted in Cobalt Flux Wii, Project by: Gangrene
20 Sep
Before and After
So, the entire IT department is Wooting Off, and this rrreallllly ugly mouse comes up for 5 Bucks American… and I’m wondering, do I buy it? And all the douchebags are bitching about it not being a Bag of Crap instead of telling me whether it is worth it or not… And I’m still wondering, do I buy it? Because, a Tangathon is going on at the same time and the wife is going to rip me to shreds if she finds out that I’d bought another version of Carcassonne… and… two different versions of Settlers of Catan… and should I buy the damn mice? It’s running out… they’re running out of stock… and I’ve got 7 machines on The Lan that could really use a groovy gaming mouse with variable DPI and all that jazz.
Posted in Bunker Construction, Project, Whining by: Gangrene
1 Comment
14 Sep
So, right about the time that I became pregnant with child #2, I went totally friggin nuts. Before then, I had a DVD habit, and the obvious video game habit, but… never anything like this:

and this:

and this:

and… this:

(The sad thing is… that ain’t all of them.)
Anyway… for some odd reason, my fear of being a daddy again translated into buying crap.?A lot of crap. A lot of weird crap.
Posted in Project, X-Mods by: Gangrene
11 Sep

Today alone,?I got about 1200 views from xbox.com.?In the forums,?I got a lot of “that?must cost a lot” types of posts.
However, one of the goals of the Bunker Project Log is to show that there are lots of cool things you can do with a little work, and hopefully less money.
Since I’ve just managed to dig?a few pictures?up, and have been promising them elsewhere, here are some shots of?Bunker 2.0 in it’s infancy.
Posted in Bunker Construction, Project by: Gangrene
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