Bunker Project Log

Archive for February, 2008

19 Feb

Lost Cities

Okay, I’ve got 21 minutes to post this before Mrs. G catches on and puts me to work…. so if it’s sloppy, tough.

Anyway, Mrs. G and I took Lost Cities for a spin. This is one of the most often recommended couples games on the Geek. I was also recommended this by a Bunker attendee who shall be known as “THE”.

The idea behind the game is that you are sponsoring expeditions. These are represented by color-coded cards numbered 2 – 10, as well as 3 “investment” cards for each suit. The cards themselves show a progression of the expedition to the goal. The 2 card shows the beginning of the trail, and the 10 shows the final achievement.

18 Feb


At some point over the holidays, Fantasy Flight had their annual blowout sale on their cheaper games. Quicksand was one of the… few… that I ordered. You can’t beat $5.

The game is simple enough. There are six different characters who are in a race to get to the temple at the top of the board.

The Board

You move these characters by playing cards from your hand.

The Cards

You can play as many cards as you want, as long as they are all the same. The only exception is the Mask card, which can stand in for any adventurer. You may move an adventurer one space for each card played.

17 Feb

Monopoly Express

The Spread

During the Christmas season, Target had the “Express” version of three popular boardgames: Scrabble Express, Sorry Express, and Monopoly Express. I picked up Scrabble Express right away because it looked good. Sorry I had no interest in, and I have an intense hatred of Monopoly. (Mainly from getting savagely beaten at it by my dad in my tender years.)

However, when Target did their usual clearance thing, and priced these games at $2.50, I had a hard time stopping myself from buying it for two fiddy. I immediately took it to lunch and gave it a test run.

17 Feb

Getting back into the swing of things…

I’ve spent the last three months tearing apart the Bunker and putting it back together again. (at least three times in fact.) I’ve upgraded a lot, both for the sake of fun, and for my own sanity (no more cable bundle!)

Unfortunately, all this change has resulted in having no time to do anything on the blog, and I’ve gotten out of habit.

However, there’s been a lot of gameplaying to tell about, and a bunch of games that I hope will make it to the table on the next Bunker Party. So, watch this spot!

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