Bunker Project Log

26 Nov

Rock Band Rant

Rock Band Stuff

Okay, so I’ve been hyping Rock Band pretty hard around here. I even bought two… one for the 360 in the Theater, and one for the PS3 to be moved into the DDR Room, just to keep up with demand.

I ripped it open and played it non-stop from 8pm to Midnight with Z and Mrs. G. I got 100s on almost all of the vocals on medium, Z got 96s on lead guitar on expert (the first time around too!) and Mrs. G, who has never been on a drum set in her life, is now a committed drummer, and was in the high 80s by the end of the session.

So, why “rant”?

Because the whole “band” setup is about as idiotically cumbersome as anything could ever be. Here, you can’t have a band without each member having their own Live login. Even if you did have that, starting the game with the right people on the right instruments with the right “rocker” avatar takes a frickin PhD.

I was seriously jonesing for the pure simplicity of Guitar Hero I, where you just put in yr dumb name, and then started your career. You picked a character and played the damn song, with nothing more to it. I am sick of all this personalization crap, just let me play the game!

I guarantee this is going to be a major cluster when we start playing at the Bunker Parties. It was nigh impossible starting a game at the MTV Rock Band Tour Bus, and that was being run by Rock Band professionals. How is it going to be at a BP where the collective IQ is about 14?

Oh well, I guess I better spend the next two weeks trying to figure it out.

5 Responses to “Rock Band Rant”

  1. 1
    DrFaulken Says:

    One of my gal friends likes to sing, and she likes to play the guitar. Some of the songs are better suited for a man’s voice. The character management system causes all sorts of problems. Why won’t the game let us choose what avatar plays which instrument at the beginning of each song, like Guitar Hero? For now we just switch instruments and keep everyone’s avatars the same, which defeats the purpose of customization.

    I am trying really hard to like this game, but between the character management and my flaky drums I am just thinking about returning it altogether.

  2. 2
    Pottse Says:

    Well it seems like you got more of the “roadie” experience of a Rock Band…having to deal with setup (and DrFaulken, faulty equipment)…you can just say “that’s life on the road!” and pretend it’s all part of the experience 😛

  3. 3
    Gangrene Says:

    Pottse, I’ll let you babysit Rock Band all day, while the mouthbreathers (which include me) try to figure out how to start a game. It is a genuine grade A pain in the ass.

  4. 4
    Ms. G Says:

    I have to say I really LOVE this game (despite all the character BS already noted). Drumming is surprisingly fun. But like DrF mentionned, WTF is up with having no female singers?? I think there was one on the whole song list??!! I mean I can sing Bowie, but that’s about it. Metallica does not do it for me. I can’t believe they couldn’t find some decent bands with female singers. It seems like such an oversight for a game that could have been really welcoming to female players — I am truly pissed!

  5. 5
    Markus O'Reallyus Says:

    Here’s a little tib-bit.

    Some of the guitars have been bothering people (not strumming, double strumming and the likes). I read this forum and this might be something you might consider as a preemptive step.


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