Bunker Project Log

31 Mar


Well, I finally got my ten… plus two extras. My first two worked fine. Then my CC was refused by Steam. I eventually got smart and set up a new Steam account, but used PayPal as my payment method. This allowed me to get five more before Steam wised up and killed that.

So, I started getting antsy, and emailed friends at work. Being that it was Sunday, I didn’t get a response. Then, I got really desperate, and asked DangerKitty to help out. He hasn’t PC gamed in years, and doesn’t have a Steam account, so chances were slim.

After not hearing from him, I finally decided to go to the wife. This means I have to explain that I’m buying a bunch of software for the LAN, which doesn’t really make her happy. She makes me do some chores, but agrees. I sign her up, put in her CC, and it lets me buy the final three.

So, as I’m doing this, my phone is buzzing with received emails. I finish up all the redemptions, then finally look at the Phone. Two emails which say “You have received a gift from Dangerkitty.”


Anyway, the LAN is equipped. hopefully it will be a good multiplayer game, and even better, it might get a few guys woozy and urpy (just as long as they don’t puke on my monitors!) I’m sure there will be some sort of post about it at the next Bunker Party.

2 Responses to “Stewed”

  1. 1
    DangerKitty Says:

    Will it play on the mac?

  2. 2
    Ms. G Says:


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