BP Rock Band vs Singstar – I’m torn
Don’t get me wrong. I <3 Rock Band, a lot. I might even <4 or <5 it. I <3 it that much.
However, I think it is a way different tone than Singstar, which we usually end the BP with. (This could also be due to the hopefully temporary loss of Dirty and the Reebs, who were dearly missed.)
Not from the last BP… boo-hoody-hoody
So, what do you guys think? There certainly wasn’t the same level of hilarity and energy. It was more just… cool generation X detachment. But… maybe that’s just how I felt that night.
BP Team Fortress 2 – Post-mortem
OMG… the Lan was packed. JayJian brought his lappy, which took us to 9. Had my server not crapped out a night before (!!!) I would have had my laptop out there, and possibly got us online. But I’ll have to leave that for another day.
I was very hesitant to get TF2, because I was sure 8 machines were not enough to be fun. I think I was wrong, but I’d be interested in what those of you who played at the BP, or those of you who regularly play 8-player TF2 games think.
BP The Ship – RFC. How was it?
I mentioned in my Bunker Party 2007-12-07 post that I was a little disconnected. One of the symptoms is I really don’t have a feeling for how The Ship ended up.
I had been interested in The Ship for a while. I thought the concept was great, and I am still amazed by the variety of stuff in the games… characters, costumes, weapons, and kill types.
However, outside the tutorial, I still haven’t played it, and I didn’t get a spot on the lan to try it that night. All I heard was “Z was killing everyone.” So… what’s the verdict? Did anything particularly funny happen, like ganking someone asleep… in the shower… in the john?
Bunker Party 2007-12-07
We just ha a Bunker Party, and somehow I missed it. I sang a bit in rock band, captured some intelligence in TF2, and did a lot of hacking on my server (Luckily it worked.) I had a hard time not opening the PS3 Rock Band sitting in my foyer. There was a wait.
For some reason the Analog room got no love. Absolutely none. Poor Jolly sat out there for a few minutes dejected, but beside from a “trial run” of Carcassonne (4 turns) nothing happened in there. Not even Buzz Trivia.
Team Fortress 2 Success!
Tonight was TF2 install night for me, while Pottse rebuilt the game server. The xcopy is still running from the old partially whacked drive, and hopefully I can scrape a few minutes together to get the software running again.
And… what’s a Bunker post without everyone’s favorite attention whore?
Tonight… you.
O.M.G. Kill Me Now.
This is what happened to me during the install of the Team Fortress 2 dedicated server. This is so friggin typical, and basically what drove me to buy new hardware in the first place. (But not a new server, genius that I am.)
We’ll see how this plays out, but as usual, this has happened a day before the dizzle, so I will be scrambling.
Bunker Party Preview – The Ship
So, the Ship is installed, I won’t go into much detail, since you can find out all about it at this Gamerankings link.
I will however, answer the questions that I remember.
1) After the first person is killed, you have a configurable amount of time (currently set at 90 seconds) to kill your target before the round ends.
2) When you start a new round, you are only given a new target. You stay exactly where you were when the round ended, and your status stays the same (if you had to pee, you still have to pee!)
Bunker Party Sneak Preview – Buzz Trivia!
This is a two year old game from the UK, but I couldn’t pass it up. I tried it out with Mrs. G, Markus, and his wummin Abba. It was fun, and changed all throughout the game, first Markus crushed, then I stomped, and finally Abba reigned supreme. It’s one of those games where you never know until the end.
As you can see from the pic, the game support 8 players, with each getting a fancy buzzer doohicky. For those that want to read more about it, check out this Gamerankings mega-link to all the reviews fit to print.